Organized by STP, on 29th September it was hold an event in the Regional Development Agency for Podravje-Maribor to promote HAePPI training course and the benefits of the PPI. STP invited an expert on the topic MR Denis Premec for REA Sjever, an energetic sectoral agency from Croatia, with theoretical knowledge and many practical experiences in PPI. The expert presented an in-deep example from the habitat sector – kindergarten renovation, established within the PPI process. Participants were from various institutions (24 people) – Regional Development Agency for Podravje – Maribor, Innovation development centre Novo Mesto, technology centre TECOS, municipalities of Podravje region, the University of Maribor with its faculties.
Despite the topic, which has not yet been fully recognised in our country and puts us on the tail of development compared to the other EU Member States, an exciting debate developed with a common opinion that there is a huge market for innovative products and services, but the area of public procurement of these is poorly exploited, also because of lack of knowledge of the field. The feedback received was very positive, with interest in HAePPI training created and with successful networking afterwards.
- Presentation of Styrian Technology Park with project ongoing (Tanja Berglez Krivec and Tanja Senekovič)
- Public procurement of Innovation with practical examples (Mr Denis Premec, REA Sjever)
- Management of IPR and Lessons (prof. dr. Pedro- Jose Bueso Guillen and prof. dr. Carmen de Guerrero Manso, UNIZAR)
- Presentation of HAePPI project (Tanja Berglez Krivec, STP)
- Round table
- Networking