Past 9th September it was hold the multiplier event of HAePPI in the Harmony park, in Lithuania, organized by iVITA. The event was configured in three parts:
- Part I Innovative public procurement in health, habitat or other sectors (language – Lithuanian);
- Part II Possibilities of international cooperation with habitats and other sectors (language – English);
- Part III International cooperation workshop with cluster members.
The first part was dedicated to the topic of innovative public procurement in health, habitat, or other sectors. We had four presentations. The first presentation was about Lithuanian pre-commercial procurement practices, challenges, and opportunities by speaker Raimondas Pucka, Innovative and pre-commercial procurement expert from Innovation Agency. The second presentation showed us the best example from the e-health sector in Lithuania. We had the best practice of innovative procurement about «Smart system for calling and receiving help». Sigute Stankeviciute from General Jonas Zemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania shared their insights about the first steps in market analysis, implementation schedule and how healthcare procurement can become more adept at driving innovation. The third presentation, of course, was about HAePPI online course and e-learning platform. Julija Kravcenko from the health technology cluster iVita has presented the HAePPI project goal, project achievements, created innovative material and demonstrated the e-learning platform and its possibilities. In the fourth part, Juste Rakstyte-Hoimian from the Lithuanian Innovation Center shared iBuy project results and what opportunities innovative purchases provide for business. This part was moderated by Diana Vertelkiene, cluster manager, representative of health technology cluster iVita.
The second part was dedicated to possibilities of international cooperation with habitats and other sectors. In this part, we had 6 presentations from various countries (Greece, the UK, Italy, Spain, Ireland, and Lithuania). There were demonstrated great PCP/PPI cases in the UK health sector by Fredrik Elg, Pracipio Ltd. Sauro Vicini from CLUST-ER Health presented how Italy conducts health procurement. Juanjo Ortega Gras from AMUEABLA has shown us a few cross-sectorial collaboration examples in the health and habitat sector. Breanndán Casey from Ireland introduced us to cluster-to-cluster collaboration possibilities within Connected Health & Wellbeing Cluster. And last speaker Paulius Briedis from Lithuania presented a prototype of a CO2 level measuring device, which became a great idea for the third part of the workshop. This part was moderated by Gytis Junevicius, a representative from the Lithuanian innovation center.
The third part was dedicated to an international cooperation workshop with cluster members. We have discussed about possibilities, functionalities and financing for Robotic school prototype of CO2 level measuring device. Later were discussed possibilities of PCP and PPI in healthcare procurement taking examples of active calls from UK.