PPI: Public Procurement of Innovation
Public procurement offers an enormous potential market for innovative products and services, being a great opportunity to stimulate growth and jobs.
Even though it could create a huge market for innovative products and services, the potential of public procurement remains vastly untapped. The European Commission (EC) aims to improve public procurement practices, promote the demand of innovative goods and services in Europe, and foster the uptake of innovation in the EU. This point was initially set in 2007 through the communication on pre-commercial procurement, and boosted in the 2017communication “Making public procurement work in and for Europe”, that established six strategic policy priorities on public procurement. Thus, we can find two different kind of tenders refereeing to innovation in public procurement:
Pre-commercial procurement or PCP, that refers to the procurement of R&D services. It offers a way for contracting authorities to share risks and benefits of procuring R&D to address challenges of public interest for which no technological solution isavailable on the market yet.
Public Procurement of Innovative solutions or PPI, when contracting authorities act as lead customer by procuring innovative solutions (not the R&D to develop them) that are newly arriving on the market but that are not yet available on large scale commercial basis due to a lack of market commitment to deploy.