Seminar about PPI and its opportunity for the health sector in Denmark

The seminar was organized in collaboration between North Denmark Region, Aalborg University Hospital in the North Denmark Region, Aarhus University Hospital in the Central Denmark Region, and the national cluster organisation Danish Life Science Cluster. The registration for the event was via the webpage of Danish Life Science Cluster and was disseminated primarily on LinkedIn by all three collaborating organisations.

After a short welcome by Ida Jakobsen, Project Manager, North Denmark Region, the HAePPI course was presented by Lasse Stender, Chief Legal Advisor, Attorney, North Denmark Region. The IO1. Learning outcomes: Key study on current best practices and industry needs; IO2. Joint Curriculum; IO3. Training materials on PPI for the habitat and e-health sectors; and IO4. Learning evaluation: e-learning platform and pilot test was covered. Also, the general concepts within public procurement were described.

Hereafter, Lars Dahl Allerup, Rethink Value and Rud Pedersen Public Affairs (former head of innovative procurement in the Capital Region of Denmark) provided a more practical view on PPI from his many years of experience working with innovative procurement in the Capital Region of Denmark.

The audience, both physically present and online participants, were very active, asking questions and showing great interest in the subject.

After a short break, the three SMEs: Powernet ApS, Movesca, and Treat Systems each gave a short presentation of their company and their experiences with public tendering. Finally, a discussion about how the public health sector can include more SMEs when designing a public tender. Both the SMEs and the public health sector (hospitals and municipalities) were interested in finding solutions.



12:00     Welcome

By Ida Jakobsen, Project Manager, NDR

12:05     Presentation of the HAePPI course and introduction to PPI.

By Lasse Stender, Chief Legal Advisor, Attorney, North Denmark Region

12:50     Public procurement from a practical view and experience with PPI.

By Lars Dahl Allerup, Rethint Value and Rud Pedersen Public Affair (former head of innovative procurement in the Capital Region of Denmark)

13:35     Questions from the audience

13:50     Break

14:15     Dialog between three SMEs and their experiences with public tendering.

Jan Timmermann Kildelund, Powernet ApS; Jon Henningsen, Movesca; Mads Lause Mogensen, Treat Systems; Moderator: Valérie Daussin, Team leader, NDR

14:45     Closing

By Ida Jakobsen, Project Manager, NDR


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