Partners of HAePPI project developed a survey to public procurers and SMEs to identify the necessary knowledge and skills needed for professionals, managers and workers of SMEs to be involve in tenders of public procurement of innovation.
The HAePPI project, framed within the Erasmus + programme, has emerged with the aim of developing a new learning curriculum on PPI in line with the needs of habitat and eHealth SMEs.
As a first step to achieve this goal, project partners have dedicated the first months of the project to conduct a study to identify the needs and gaps that currently have SMEs to participate on public tenders of innovation, that are necessary to be covered in the future HAePPI training course.
For this, they have benefited from the participation of almost 25 public authorities and SMEs of the European Union. Through interviews with experts, public procurement responsibles, and SME´s CEOs and managers, they have been able to see first-hand on the barriers SMEs have to face this kind of public tenders, aspects of a tender that could facilitate SMEs participation, and what are the key aspects for a future training on PPI.
The information collected has been analysed into final report, that encloses an introduction to PPI concept, a brief analysis of the benefits and barriers of the participation of SMEs in PPI tenders through different references, and the results of the survey performed by HAePPI project partners.
As a conclusion of the report, the following 6 different topics, with different sub-topics, were identified as gaps and needs on PPI for SMEs:
HAePPI consortium wished to warmly thank the interest of the representatives of the organizations that were interviewed during the preparation of this report.
You can access here to the full report: