Seminar on public procurement of innovation and HAePPI project in Poland

The University of Lodz organized in collaboration with the Centre of public procurement and public-private partnership (PPP) a seminar on HAePPI project. The seminar act of the HAePPI project was configured in four parts: In the first part, Phd Anna Górczyńska introduced HAEPPI to the project by presenting the assumptions of the project, its stages … Read more

Event on HAePPI project in Slovenia

Organized by STP, on 29th September it was hold an event in the Regional Development Agency for Podravje-Maribor to promote HAePPI training course and the benefits of the PPI. STP invited an expert on the topic MR Denis Premec for REA Sjever, an energetic sectoral agency from Croatia, with theoretical knowledge and many practical experiences … Read more

Seminar about PPI and its opportunity for the health sector in Denmark

The seminar was organized in collaboration between North Denmark Region, Aalborg University Hospital in the North Denmark Region, Aarhus University Hospital in the Central Denmark Region, and the national cluster organisation Danish Life Science Cluster. The registration for the event was via the webpage of Danish Life Science Cluster and was disseminated primarily on LinkedIn … Read more

Final consortium meeting in Lithuania

HAePPI Project partners met in Kaunas (Lithuania), welcomed by iVITA, on 14-15th September in the last consortium meeting. Project partners had the opportunity of analysing results from the pilot test with more than 80 students and discuss about future improvements in the training course to be implemented in the following weeks. Partners also monitored the … Read more

HAePPI presentation in Lithuania: PPI on health sector and how to collaborate with the habitat or other sectors

Past 9th September it was hold the multiplier event of HAePPI in the Harmony park, in Lithuania, organized by iVITA. The event was configured in three parts: Part I Innovative public procurement in health, habitat or other sectors (language – Lithuanian); Part II Possibilities of international cooperation with habitats and other sectors (language – English); … Read more

Info sesion – Tenders Electronic Daily: innovating EU public procurement

Regions and Cities 2022 (#EURegionsWeek), scheduled for 10 to 13 0ctober 2022. The European Week of Regions and Cities is the biggest annual Brussels-based event dedicated to cohesion policy, organised by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy and the European Committee of the Regions. This unique communication and networking platform brings together … Read more

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