HAePPI project presented in an International Conference to exchange project and ideas to support SMEs

Last April 13rd, HAePPI was presented in the International Conference organized by the University of Lodz (Poland) to promote the exchange of ideas, experiences and proposals in relation to international projects where SMEs could participate and be beneficiated from their results.

In the event, after the welcome of the hosts, it was presented the HAePPI project by Helle Rathke, project coordinator; followed by a session on the public purchase of innovation given by Carmen de Guerrero, professor of the University of Zargoza; and by the presentation of the HAePPI Joint Curriculum by Anna Gorcznska, professor of the University of Lodz.

After the first part of the event, where the HAePPI project was presented, speakers from different organizations presented other European projects tailored SMEs needs.

Design4Circle (https://design4circle.eu/) applied to fashion design according to the circular economy; Flame ( https://www.erasmusflame.com/) with the aim of providing adequate training to workers in the furniture industry, especially with young people in mind; SAPIENS (https://sapiensnetwork.eu) for the improvement of sustainability procurement; InReady (https://inready.eu/) to help startups improve their skills to present their business ideas to investors and attract funding; and iBuy (https://www.interregeurope.eu/ibuy) in order to promote the role of public authorities as applicants for innovation through public procurement.

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